An event driven architecture

At Allo-Media, like many other businesses, our value chain looks like a pipeline: we collect conversations (mainly through phone) sent to us by our customers, we transcribe them, we tag the transcripts with named entities, we anonymize both the transcript and…

Stateful Components in ELM

It’s often claimed that Elm developers should avoid thinking their views as stateful components. While this is indeed a general best design practice, sometimes you may want to make your views reusable (eg. across pages or projects), and if they come with…

Text2Num Version 1.0.0 released!

The output of speech-to-text systems are entirely made of words, without punctuation or capitalization. This makes visual scanning for numbers quite cumbersome, especially in transcriptions of real life dialogues as they also contain a lot of gibberish words — like…

Brace yourself data selection, industrialization is coming!

Industrialization is one of the most challenging problems for a start-up like ours. In fact, the research world doesn’t have the same priorities concerning time and cost optimization. Whereas, industry is limited by these factors. And this matter struck us…

From Python to GO to Rust : An opionated Journey

When looking for a new backend language, I naturally went from Python to the new cool kid: Go. But after only one week of Go, I realised that Go was only half of a progress. Better suited to my needs than Python, but…

Chaining HTTP requests in ELM

Preliminary note: in this article we’ll use Elm decoders, tasks, results and leverage the Elm Architecture. If you’re not comfortable with these concepts, you may want to check their respective documentation. Sometimes in Elm you struggle with the most basic things. Especially when you come…